- What is the conflict between emotions and knowledge?
To seek out knowledge, do we need to set aside our emotions?
I sthis emotionless ideal plausible in practice?
Is this ideal necessary?
Can emotions be useful in attaining knowledge?
Examples from science
Scientists do not shun their emotions in ther quest for knowledge.
Emotions are an important motivation, the search for knowledge is hard.
- What is an example of how emotions are an improtant motivation.
- What doe we mean by "beauty" more concisely
- What bias stems from "beauty"?
- What is one reason "beauty" is not a hinder to this science?
Jaggar "Love and Knowldge"
What are emotions?
- What are some differences that differentiate what we think of as "emotions", aka what are we looking for in an account of emotions?
- What are two accounts of emotion Jagger rejects?
- What is Jaggers own account of emotions?
- Come again?
Questioning the "myth of dispassionate inquiry"
The stereotype that women are more emotional than men
"We absorb the standards and values of our society in the very process of learning the language of emotion, and these standards and values are built ... la. 47
The myth of dispassionate inquiry