What is knowledge resistance?

Many people believe things that aren't true. It can be dangerous to believe things that aren't true.

Disinformation is profitable and exploitable

Knowlede resistance is a "disinclination to knowledge".

Does not aquire knowledge that is easily available.

Not the same as ignorance.

Why is it dangerous to hold false beliefs?

We can't just believe whatever we want to believe. We need to act on our best scientific evidence in order to make the best possible decisions and actions.

If many people are knowledge-resistant, then democracy is undermined. If you do not act rationally, you are easily manipulated. In exploiting this, the goal is for citizens to give up thinking for themselves, and believe their leader.

p. 3 Recognising the link between beliefs and action. Bleakly written to encourage us to fight back.

What is knowledge?

Epistemology is a branch of philosofy that studies the nature, acquisition, and validation of knowledge. It aims to understand the basic relationship between knowledge and reality, aims to provide normative standards for how we should form just beliefs, and to offer accounts of the basic sources of knowledge.

Wikforss uses the "tradition account of knowledge". In this account, knowledge is 3. justified 2. true 1. belief.


Someone who does not believe something is not going to act upon it.

Most of our beliefs, we rarely stop to consider.

There may be a lot of beliefs that we struggle to make conscious. We may need to examine what we do in order to tell what we believe.

Belief is not knowledge(!) (my comment: could knowledge be holy?)